Compliance with the LGPD – General Law for Data Protection

The General Law for Data Protection, Law No. 13.709/2018, brought several obligations and liabilities to the companies concerning the maintenance, protection and handle with the personal information of their clients. In addition to the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, Law No. 12.965/2014, the company shall take all legal and IT cautions for not focus on legal prohibitions, which may result in very expensive fines. We perform in projects aiming at achieving the company adequation and the construction of a new culture, so that the company is in line with the current demands.

We are professionals with extensive experience in preventive, consultative, administrative and litigation work for national and international clients.

Rua Cotoxó, 611, cjs 127/128 – Pompeia São Paulo – SP – Brasil
CEP: 05021-000

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